We are an enthusiastic, curious and happy team of experts with good hearts who can create a digital personality for your brand.
We create and implement a comprehensive communication story. We focus on online media and follow the latest global trends in brand interaction with users who experience the brand, follow, shape and recommend it to friends.
With lateral approaches we stand out from the average and thus achieve above-average performance in marketing activities. We make sure that you really get to know your target group and understand it and respond to its needs and wishes on a long-term basis.
We are classified at the very top of the digital field – for five years in a row we have won the title of “Best Digital agency of the year”, awarded by the Slovenian Chamber of Commerce as part of the Netko competition. Our international awards help us break borders and pave our way among the best in the world.
We breathe digital. We communicate with your target groups, understand and integrate them. How? By preparing a digital presence strategy and planning the user experience, by developing a website or application, managing social networks, programming mobile applications, and taking care of SEO and Google AdWords.
We also understand the traditional, but we add an innovative touch to it which activates target groups. How? By developing a communications strategy, a comprehensive visual identity and other graphic materials, by producing videos, organizing an event or a guerrilla, and taking care of public relations.
We don’t like patterns and we eliminate them wherever possible. With the right amount of freedom we can develop intelligent business models that understand the target groups and integrate them into the story of the brand. Why? Because you want to succeed.
Our projects have been awarded with numerous international and Slovenian awards, but also occupy leading positions in comparative tests conducted by Marketing Magazin. A good example to show you that we exceed the limits of advertising and understand business challenges is our nomination for best business idea as part of the Finance newspaper for our original project Zaobljuba.si.
Awards are understood as affirmations from experts, which is an important indicator that we have chosen the right path. But let’s make things clear – we create for target groups and not for awards, therefore we evaluate projects primarily by the responses of users as well as the achievement of marketing and business objectives of our partners.
World famous and Slovenian brands trust us. Using a strategic approach that integrates the target group into the story of the brand and convinces it to go viral, we achieve excellent results of communication activities and add value to marketing texts.
We don’t allow ourselves to rest on patterns. Instead, we’d rather turn everything upside down, just to find a new way. We perfect this into a business model and communications strategy, a unique story that brings results.
Our clients trust us big time and vice versa. We are determined to seek and find what's best, crazy, intelligent and smart for their crowd. Lucky and grateful.